মুজাহিদুল ইসলাম, ঔষধ ও স্বাস্থ্য পরামর্শকঃ
Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks.

The treatment for Lyme disease typically involves antibiotics, which are given to kill the bacteria causing the infection. The specific antibiotic used and the length of treatment depend on the stage and severity of the infection.

The following antibiotics are commonly used to treat early stage Lyme disease:

  1. Doxycycline
  2. Amoxicillin
  3. Cefuroxime

The following antibiotics are commonly used to treat late stage Lyme disease:

  1. Intravenous ceftriaxone
  2. Intravenous penicillin

In addition to antibiotics, patients with Lyme disease may require pain and symptom management and physical therapy. It is important to seek prompt medical treatment for Lyme disease to prevent serious complications. In addition, taking precautions to prevent tick bites, such as wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent, can help reduce the risk of infection.